This is my very first blog post so bear with me as a bump along unfamiliar territory. Along with anything new in life, this will be a bit of a learning experience for me!
I’ve never been much of a journaler. I attempted a diary when I was younger and it’s just something that has never stuck. I actually found a diary I started back when I was about 10 and it was hilarious to go back and read. (It was mostly about what my parents did to annoy me, a boy I liked or something someone might have said to hurt my feelings). Why is it that as we get older, talking about ourselves gets so much harder? One thing I think we strive for as we age, is not only feeling good in our skin but figuring out who we are, what we like, and learning how to better communicate with others. I think this is going to be a great outlet for myself as well as showcasing some fun sessions for you all to see.
Some of the best things I could do for myself this year was attend styled shoots. Not only are they so much fun and super inspiring but it’s a great way for you (the photographer) to obtain new content to use to build your brand. That’s what I decided this year was going to be all about. BUILDING MY BRAND. So that’s what I’ve done. I’ve seized as many opportunities as I could to do just that.
One of the more recent shoots I did was with an event planning, design and content company called the Milk & Honey Collective. I had always seen good things by them but hadn’t had the chance to work together. Jessica Isaacs was kind enough to reach out one day and invited me to one of their shoots in their new studio in Lenoir, NC and I jumped on it!
The theme for Milk & Honey Collective’s styled shoot was a “Spring Inspired Brunch Wedding” and was a great way to lead into spring wedding season. It was more of a light and airy vibe but with beautiful textured brick walls, colored glass, a grand table with tall flowers and a cotton candy cart! ( I mean, how cute!) I love the chance to work with various looks in one setting and this space delivered with so many beautiful portraits!
Styled shoots are the perfect outlet for me as a creative. Whenever I’m in a funk, doing one of these sessions will immediately pull me out of that. I always leave feeling way more inspired than I did going in. I had such a blast at this one and I look forward to more shoots with them in the future!
Thanks for reading guys. More to come! XOXO, Aubryn

Planning and design: milkhoneycollective
Rentals, design, styling: @abushelandapeckvintagerentals
Rentals, design, styling: @vintagechicrentalsdesigns
Floral design: @thistleandtwigflowers
Bridal wear: @meagankellydesigns
Makeup: @evolvingfacesclt
Hair: @foxiehairnc
Catering: @katzsandwichco
Cake: @smallcakeshickory
Cotton candy: @sweetcotton_co
Calligraphy: @gatheredeventsclt
Stationery: @isaacsjessie
Photography: Wild Ember Photography